Rights-Based Principles and the Internet: Taking Stock and Moving Forward

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Session Description

Multistakeholder First WSIS+10 Review Event
25-27 February 2013, UNESCO HQs, Paris

: Rights-Based Principles and the Internet: Taking Stock and Moving Forward
Date and Time: 26 February, 9:30-11:00 
Venue: Room IX
Concise session description and agenda (modality, target audience and expected outcomes)
This session brings together a range of stakeholders who have been involved in initiatives developing human- and other rights-based principles for Internet design, access, and use since the WSIS, during the Internet Governance Forum and in other arenas. Participants will present their viewpoints and experience in formulating viable sets of principles for the Internet from a range of perspectives in light of concrete examples and in view of proposals of how to move forward. This interactive session will share knowledge, discuss principles in common, and raise further awareness about where viewpoints and priorities diverge. Participants, in dialogue with each other and audience members will consider whether calls to develop an overarching set of principles is feasible, and if so the role human rights and other rights-based principles should play.
The session aims to generate a clearer picture of past and present work around human rights and principles that preceded and emerged from the WSIS and IGF process. A key objective is to take a step forward in generating a clearer sense of the overlaps and divergences in efforts to develop rights-based principles for the online environment by a range of stakeholders. A second objective is to coordinate efforts as well as exchange information with other stakeholders involved in developing rights-based agendas for the Internet around the world where cultural diversity and access to the Internet are key principles. The panel is made up of organizations currently active in developing a range of initiatives around developing rights-based principles for Internet users that take account of the changing online environment  and also link to existing and emerging legal and regulatory covenants offline. The output will be recommendations for practical and principled steps to take to generate further cooperation in this domain.
Names of the organizer(s) of the workshop and their affiliation to various stakeholder groups 
This session is organized by the Internet Rights and Principles Dynamic Coalition of the Internet Governance Forum 
Names and affiliations of the panelists and the remote moderator:
Anne Carblanc – OECD, http://www.oecd.org/internet/interneteconomy/
Elvana Thaci-Council of Europe, http://www.coe.int/t/informationsociety/
Anriette Esterhuizen – Association for Progressive Communications, www.apc.org
Dixie Hawtin – Global Partners (UK), www.global-partners.co.uk
Meryem Marzouki  – CNRS-UPMC/Sorbonne Universités & EDRI/CSISA, http://www.edri.org/ http://www.cnrs.fr/
Parminder Jeet Singh – IT for Change (India), www.itforchange.net
Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza CTS/FGV (Brazil), https://www.facebook.com/ctsfgv
Frank La Rue – UN OHCHR (to be confirmed), http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Pages/WelcomePage.aspx
Session Moderator – Marianne Franklin (co-Chair IRP Coalition/Goldsmiths (University of London, UK), www.internetrightsandprinciples.org; www.gold.ac.uk
Remote Moderator – Norbert Bollow (IRP Coalition Steering Committee member)
Contact person:
Name: Dr Marianne Franklin  
Organization:  IRP Coalition/Goldsmiths (University of London, UK)
E-mail: m.i.franklin@gold.ac.uk

Rights-Based Principles and the Internet: Taking Stock and Moving Forward

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