IRPC Steering Committee and Co-Chair Elections, 2015 

Proposed Procedure: 

· Invite nominations for both Co-Chair and Steering Committee Member. Each candidate provides a short profile statement to include a short bio as pertains to their intended role in the Coalition, as well as a short statement of how they will work towards the Coalition’s continued success and development.
· Set up a survey monkey and hold elections – or a poll to endorse current and incoming officers if nominations not contested – for incoming Co-Chair and Steering Committee Member/s.
· Both Co-Chair and Steering Committee Members to be (self)-nominated, a seconder is required.
· IRPC Co-Chair is on a rotating 2-year, staggered basis. The outgoing Co-Chair remains on the Steering Committee for two years.
· Steering Committee Members (total of 9) are elected for two years with a nominal maximum of two terms (4 years). After two terms, an SC member either steps down or stands for a renewed two-year term. This criterion applies to the outgoing Co-Chair position-holder on completion of the succeeding two year term.
· Steering Committee Members and Co-Chair positions are elected independently.
· The IRPC aims to represent stakeholders of diverse and historically underrepresented backgrounds, as well as seeks gender and geographical balance.


· Experience with the IGF and/or related internet governance consultations and meetings and the IRP Coalition for at least one year.
· Can demonstrate an understanding and commitment to the IRP Coalition’s Aims (see:
· Preferably, demonstrate knowledge of the procedures of the Internet Governance Forum
· Knowledge of the IRPC’s work and output since 2008 and provide insights into how they envisage taking the IRP Charter forward based on achievements to date.
· Can provide a vision for how the IRP Coalition can contribute to the future of the IGF and advance the IRPC Charter work within the IGF and beyond.
· Able to consolidate ongoing collaborations with partners from all sectors and forge new ones.
Steering Committee Member 
· Experience with the IRPC for at least one year.
· Demonstrate experience and knowledge of IG related themes, human rights and IG Principles in particular.
· Adherence to the Coalition’s Aims (see:
· Preferably, some knowledge and understanding of the procedures of the Internet Governance Forum.
· Demonstrate a commitment to the aims and objectives of the IRPC Charter of Human Rights and Principles of the Internet
· Indicate what roles and responsibilities they can carry as an SC member
· Able and willing to respond to SC emails and meeting calls in a reasonable time.


· Nominations for new officers will be open for two weeks starting November 12-November 26.
· Elections will be open for three weeks starting December 7-January 4.
IRPC list members will (i) vote/endorse (if uncontested) committee using an online polling tool.

IRPC Steering Committee and Co-Chair Elections, 2015 
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